It’s a (virtual) party! Join me for an exciting Facebook Live event hosted by Stampin’ Up!
This fun online party will be live on April 30th at 7:00 pm Mountain. It will last for about one hour and will feature tips and projects for current Annual Catalog products.
No need to get dressed up and go out, the fun will come to you! Simply pull out your comfy clothes, get a snack, cuddle up with your computer, tablet or smart phone and join the party.
I’m excited to share this virtual party with you so please click the black button/link below now to join the Facebook Group before the Live event on 30 April 2020 at 7:00 PM (MT).
Once you’ve joined, please let me know so I know to say hi to you at the party! The more the merrier, so invite your friends to join you. During the party there will be lots happening, if you have questions you can reach me directly by email or Facebook Messenger.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see and learn some great stamping tips and inspirations from Stampin’ Up! in the comfort of your own home!

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