Tip of the Day!
Yes, I learned something new and I am very proud of my "techi-ness". Hmm, I guess I am sort of a geek. This might be old news to you…but it wasn't to me! Visiting many websites I've noticed that they have different icons beside the navigation bar. What I found out is that this little icon is called a favicon. You can "personalize' your site with your own! If you're a stamper, you can add a rubber stamp icon, a dog lover, a icon of a dog, and so on. You'll need to resize your favorite jpg to a 16×16 pixel square. (Image size in your photo editor). Then you need to locate an favicon.ico generator. Do a Google search there are many of them!! Convert the jpg to a favicon.ico. Save it to your hard drive.
For Typepad you save the favicon.ico file in your main web file folder (control panel>files). Do not rename it. It must be named as favicon.ico!! (Each site is different so you'll need to check with your provider). When you visit the site your icon will be displayed at the top. How cool is that?!
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