Well, its been a long time! Seems to be the way things are going these days! Let's see, computer consumable problems – both the laptop battery and power adapters going at the same time, twice now since February! No joke! Then there's my garden (a major stress reliever, so its "a good thing"), family birthdays, vacation in Cozumel (thankfully!!), more birthdays, a weekend get-a-way (again much needed), commitments at the "office" and the fact that my stamp room is a mess…well you get the picture. Joy, joy, happy, happy. Where is Ren and Stimpy when you need them?!
So the SU New Year is here = the new catalog is available! Whoo hoo!! With it comes 5 new In-Colors and so much more!! I did get a few spare moments to post up the links to the new catalogs in the side bars (or sideburns as a funny fellow demo calls them). But I'm so very behind! This is the first time ever since being a demo that I have not sent out an email at least once a month! UGH! Can you say S-T-R-E-S-S?!
But I'm so happy, today I just picked the largest cucumber my garden has ever seen…check it out…
It was born weighing in at 13 oz and is 10" long. Zowie!
So, I promise to get back into the groove and get the posts going again with more brilliantly crafted works of art (ha!)
But in the meantime, anyone who places an order with me will get a free catalog and a special bonus from me (both of which will come separately if you use my online order link).
I've already started thinking of Halloween projects…
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